The Department of Mad Scientists by Michael BelfioreMy book The Department of Mad Scientists: How DARPA Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs, has just come out in paperback.

It’s mostly the same as the hardcover, with a few corrections here and there. And it’s only $14.99.

My favorite blurb comes from UCLA computer scientist Leondard Kleinrock, one of the pioneers of the Internet. He was in the room when the first transmission went out over the ARPANET, which evolved into the Internet, back in 1969. Says Kleinrock about my book:

“DARPA’s history has never been told at the level of detail and with such mastery as in this book. Michael Belfiore has researched the full history of this agency and treats us to the early origins of DARPA, its key personalities, its tremendous accomplishments and its culture in a style replete with anecdotes and heretofore unpublished facts and insights about the “Mad Scientists” that made all this happen. This is a must-read.”