The Space Show logoThere’s no better forum for the policy implementors, engineers, business people, and other visionaries building the future of space travel than The Space Show, a radio interview program hosted by Dr. David Livingston. Just in the last week, Livingston has had on NASA’s Chief Technologist, Bobby Braun, USC astronautics professor Mike Gruntman, and space tourism consultant and former EADS/Astrium satellite and launch vehicle engineer Derek Webber.

I’ve been on the show, as have many of the most influential people in the burgeoning commercial space flight industry. What makes the show special is Livingston’s own breadth of knowledge on the subject, allowing him to ask the kind of probing questions that rarely get asked in mainstream media about any topic, its long format—one hour-plus per guest—and the free, on-demand archives.

It’s also commercial-free, allowing even more time for quality content. The downside of that is that Livingston has to solicit donations to stay on the air. He’s just begun his annual fund drive, and I thought I’d pass on the message.

Visit to listen to the archives and to make a tax-deductible donation. Livingston welcomes any size donation, from $5 to $1,000 or more. “I’m appreciative of any giving level,” he tells me in an email. “I know that times are really tough for lots of us in this economy and I assume people do what they can and what makes sense for them.”