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Failure is good. Failure, as I learn again and again from the technologists I report on, is how you get to the stuff that works. I had this idea I could make a gazillion dollars running my own blog. That may be true, but not by trying to pound out stories every day...
Mad Science Innovation

Mad Science Innovation

After a trial run at, I’ve decided to switch back here, to, for my blogging activities. I’ll post here as I visit and interview technologists about the work they’re doing to make the world a better place,...
Look Ahead: Bre Pettis

Look Ahead: Bre Pettis

My extended Q&A with MakerBot founder Bre Pettis is up on the Look Ahead blog at The Economist. Pettis was a school teacher who got his start in desktop manufacturing by searching for ways to reach kids who learned best by working with their hands. MakerBot is at...
PopMech: MAVEN Mars

PopMech: MAVEN Mars

NASA’s MAVEN Mars orbiter is set for Mars orbital insertion this weekend. The unmanned probe will fire its engines on Sunday at 9:37pm Eastern Time. And then mission controllers will have to white-knuckle it for 12.5 minutes to find out whether the maneuver was...
PopMech: NASA’s New Private Space Contracts

PopMech: NASA’s New Private Space Contracts

NASA announced a pair of contracts worth a total of $6.8 billion to Boeing and SpaceX to ferry astronauts to and from the International Space Station in a press conference today. The mission for each company: build a ship capable of sending at least four astronauts at...
PopMech: DARPA Jargon

PopMech: DARPA Jargon

DARPA, the government agency that gave us the Internet and stealth aircraft, has come up with some pretty interesting program names over the years. The names are as unique as the program managers who run them, and reflect the personalities of these mavericks of...