Aeon Magazine: The robots are coming

Aeon Magazine published my extended essay on humanoid robots today. At 3.7k words, it’s feature length, and enough room for me to go into depth about the state of the art of these machines that are poised to invade our lives, and what the future holds for them....

Foreign Policy: The Rocketeer

The December issue of Foreign Policy, the so-called Global Thinkers issue, has my commentary on Elon Musk and why he’s a bigger deal than Steve Jobs. You can read the story, “The Rocketeer,” at Meanwhile, over at Fortune...

Inspiration Mars gets a plan

It’s one of those it’s-so-crazy-it-just-might-work kind of deals. Inspiration Mars, the non-profit organization planning a manned Mars flyby conceived by first space tourist Dennis Tito, has revealed the working details the mission. I wrote about the...

Air & Space: The Lynx’s Leap

The November issue of Air & Space Smithsonian has my feature story on XCOR Aerospace and its Lynx suborbital spaceship in the making. I’d been angling for a feature on XCOR, somewhere, for years. The company is one of the unsung success stories of the...